With the inexorable rise in Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning and robotics, a lot has been written about how the jobs landscape will change for many of us as tasks become increasingly automated.
According to PwC’s Workforce of the Future – The competing forces shaping 2030, 37% of respondents are worried about automation and the jobs risk that it poses. But 73% envisage a positive future, which is reinforced by the fact that almost three quarters (74%) are prepared to learn new skills or retrain to boost their employability.
Given the relentless pace of change of technology, what do we know about the workplace of the future, the skills needed to succeed and what employers can do to bridge the skills gaps?
Here are FIVE areas to consider:
Human interaction
Although many tasks will become automated, the evidence says that people will still prefer to talk to people, especially when making important purchasing decisions. Apart from the reassurance, human to human (H2H) communications will become increasingly important. In the same PwC report, almost three quarters of those surveyed (73%) felt that technology couldn’t replace the human mind.
The word ‘soft’ probably doesn’t do justice to the wide range of interpersonal skills we need to succeed in the new world of work. For individuals at all levels in their career, learning to be agile, self-aware and adapt to the changing world of work will be key to career development. We must all be ready to embrace change.
Untapped talent pools
Especially in today’s world of global skills shortages, organisations need to look beyond traditional pools. For example, consider the neuro-diverse population, so people with autism and learning difficulties who may have exceptional aptitudes to work in tech/digital jobs such as coding.
Older workers
Another demographic that’s often overlooked when it comes to learning and development is the growing cohort of older workers. When it comes to reskilling, organisations need to look at the value that these individuals bring, both in terms of industry knowledge and transferable skills. Could they, for example, be redeployed into digital roles>
Cross-generational diversity
Having teams with people from different generations is also very rewarding. Not only does it add to diversity and diversity of thought, having Gens Y and X working together can be mutually beneficial to both. Think of mentoring and reverse mentoring – just think of the potential benefits of having different generations working side by side.
Despite changes in technology, it is clear that people skills and a people centric philosophy will still dominate the corporate agenda for the foreseeable future. People are indeed an organisation’s best asset.