As a business, you invest time and money into recruiting the best talent available. Once you have acquired that talent, how do you keep them?
Regardless of any length of employment, lack of motivation is something that can affect anyone, at any time. This can often lead to employees looking for a new role or challenge.
A study found that some of the most important factors when considering employee motivation include peer motivation (20%), and feeling encouraged and recognised (13%).
Here are some simple tips to keep staff motivated:
Recognising the value of your staff regularly is important, rather than on an annual salary review, or bonus scheme and this can be done with:
- A simple ‘thank you’
- Fair salaries for new starters and current staff
- Shout out on company social media pages
- Thank you lunch
- In-house wall of fame
Career Progression
Offering different opportunities for career growth could reduce staff turnover. These could include:
- Traditional promotion
- Job rotation
- Job shadowing for so many days a month
- Mentoring or coaching programme
- Succession planning programme
Team Collaboration
Never has team collaboration been more challenging than with a remote workforce. Getting to know the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals can make for a stronger team, as well as introducing:
- A buddy mentoring system so staff can learn from each other
- Weekly team meetings to solve individual challenges
- Team building sessions
- Regular staff events
Management Mentoring
Millennials would prefer a boss to be a mentor from whom they can learn business skills. This can be a tricky relationship to pull off, as mentoring requires:
- Getting to know the employee well
- Developing strengths and weaknesses
- A safe space for disagreements
- Time
However, this can be a valuable relationship where employees can voice their opinions and know they will be heard, and their opinion valued. The manager will also be able to facilitate the employee reaching their potential.
This could be implemented through an open-door policy where staff can ask for guidance when needed, or a regular meeting to discuss personal growth and challenges.
Development Opportunities
According to one survey 40% of employers rely on Millennials and Generation Z for digital and tech skills rather than training Generation X employees. Training all staff in tech skills as well as other skills they need to develop will make for a more versatile team. These skills could include:
- Leadership skills
- Public speaking
- Mentoring
- Soft skills
- Products and services
Many companies already offer training, but staff are not encouraged to participate in it. Introducing a six-monthly check-in to ensure staff are taking advantage of the training on offer would increase uptake. Identifying and developing skills within your team continuously, not just at orientation, will improve teamwork, and staff motivation in the workplace and reduce turnover.
Treating each member of staff as an individual with valuable skills as well as development potential will ensure staff maintains work motivation throughout their employment lifecycle, for both the value your business brings them but also the value they bring to your business.
Tom Gowing – Managing Director